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poetry samples

Coming of Age


Survivor, Generation X (Dreamland)


A Crossing


Veil of Shade


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Survivor, Generation Y (Dreamland)



We used to dream in color, shades of gleam

The gold, the teal, the mauve, the green, the green

and all at once the hues would deliquesce

into their bursts of light, to bursts of gleam

to shards of spark that shone like flecks of py-

rite, like the kind I'd found once all those years

ago, between the loam that lined the banks

along the creek, the creek that purled, the creek

that ran with bursts of gleam behind your house.

In woods uncharted, woods still filled with light.


We stand here now, the last of us that dream

upon a plain of ashes, stretch of sky

that sags with grey, that sags with chronic ache

of time, of broken spark, of blinding dull.

The Eastern hills had known no binding pall

The Eastern sky had known no binding pall

But now we watch, with eyes as glazed as wind-

dows choked with fog, the mist drops rolling al-

ways slower, always slower, down and down.

But now we watch the shroud. But now we dream

in ashes, now we think in clockwork wan


So would you know, oh would you know of all

the things you'd felt before. Of all the things

you knew of warmth and shafts of light that beamed

through canopies of woods uncharted, all

the life inside you brimming gold and green.

Or have they been erased as well, for what

with use would one be found to make at all

with shades of gleam, with shades of gold and green,

in fields of ash. In fields of black machines.


The crops have died. The clock's your God now, boy.


You would not know, you would not know, you would

not know, child, down the hill where cinders burn.

So find me, seek me, if you wish to hear

the last of what I can recall of sight.

of mind, of heat, of mauve and teal and sky.

For I am old beyond what I'd have been.

If I'd been let to dream, if I'd been let

To wander where the trees still grew in light.

Not bound by method, bound by binding pall


You would not know, you would not know, you would

not know when all you've ever seen is grey





A Crossing


Swallow your soul like cough medicine.


They stand with clasped hands

freshly stained from the fields

that skim the edges of oblivion


They used to breath light, they

gargled with sunlight

And with the vision of their oblivion shielded from them,

by gauze of

incognizance and euphoria

they could stand with their backs to tempests

and worlds


they did not bleed, but






Tear the hands.

And when they hear the distant sonance off in green fields

which beckons to reverie and utopia,

Deafen them.

And when they see sunlight

deliquescing into pale shards of brilliant vision,

Blind them.


Their haven, their hell

Their everything, their nothingness

crumbled upon them

Stained glass figures rimmed with blood

and they fell

and they trembled

and they saw brilliant pale

but it was not of the sunlight they breathed

but a hollow swell

of the vision of their oblivion


tracing it

Coming of Age


Look at me, I

scream, my mouth


with satin as the black wave pleats

the throngs volatize


Shafts of light on folds of rib.

Cut me,

and I bleed light.

we bend,



do not tear,

like shafts of light through

dust motes,

tracing along clocks


They drag pendulums across swollen eyes and

say, create


But tie our wrists with shredded cord

and only then, unlatch the


red lines


Hold me, I shiver

folds of rib splinter

with each static crease of the black throng












Hold yourself, it says.


rip you up and tear you up

salt-stained cheeks, white dress, black sky

Rupture the trust, fracture the



golden prime


Words shall break flesh


I bleed

I look at my hands and

I realize that I am mortal.


Veil of Shade



She curled inside herself

And from there

her lips were stitched together but her


pierced the semblance

and they saw from afar

and her eyes held worlds


Below there

was fire

and teeth

but she did not even dangle before it

but shifted away

as it pushed her away


above it


She moved over like clouds


swelling, distending


curling inside itself

slowly and

And They did not look up

For they had consumed themselves


It was soft, quiet rain

draping over like silk sheets

And it was cold

And They with the fire and the teeth fled

but when They had vanished They

did not see

The dark green life, breathing

where it had been


and mended


A veil of shade

cloaked the

face of the ground

They walked upon

But the darkness had cleansed it


Between the rain

there was silence

but it was deafening

And brimmed with the

spectrum within it


And the dark green swayed

And though They shied from it

in the end They

may or may not have

seen it all






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